Liability waiver.

I accept responsibility for my own health, safety and well being when I attend Grounded Yoga & Pilates classes.

I understand that my teacher will provide reasonable guidance according to their understanding of my physical condition; I confirm it is my responsibility to ultimately ensure I undertake movement and exercise at a level appropriate to my present ability, accounting for any current injuries, concerns or health conditions.

I understand that prior to classes I am responsible for informing Grounded Yoga & Pilates and my teacher of any existing health conditions, injuries and concerns (confidential information) that impact my physical movement or psychological well being.

I will inform Grounded Yoga & Pilates via email or text message of any changes in my health that are so relevant prior to the commencement of my next class.

By submitting this form I confirm that Ellie Crozier and Grounded Yoga will not be held liable or responsible for injury sustained during or after client attendance at classes or workshops.

I accept full responsibility for ensuring that no injury occurs to myself or anyone in my care, including dependent children, during the course of Grounded Yoga & Pilates classes.